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Naval Damage Control


    • The UK’s national shipbuilding strategy in line with allied interoperability
    • A global reinforced presence: where we see operations over the next decade
    • The role of industry in moving the Royal Navy forward
    • Current FOST damage control Training developments and challenges
    • Delivering realistic collective training to a forward deployed Navy
    • The need to move towards a 50/50 live/synthetic training model by 2030
    • The difficulties of technological applications systems whilst factoring in different user requirements
    • Review on current developments in DC&FF technologies
    • Future types of threats Navies expect and how survivability to match these can be achieved
    • Reducing the impact of human factors in damage control
    • Research into the operability of automatic doors
    • What else should we be looking at within the automation field?
  1. ● Contamination risks and threats at sea
    ● Decontamination capabilities to mitigate CBRN threats onboard ships
    ● Additional measures to support aircraft, sensitive equipment, personnel onboard and contaminated surfaces

    Hosted by Cristanini
    • A vision of the future ‘capital’ ship and what it means for damage control
    • NSPAs role in strengthening capabilities and innovative approaches for delivery through commercial means
    • NATOs ‘Climate Change Agenda’ factor
    • The integration of command and control challenges
    • Merging fire teams together for safety and specialist equipment availability
    • Knowledge sharing during drills and what have we learnt since working with the US Navy
    • Overview of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA)
    • The MMEAs current challenges
    • Plans to integrate UAVs into the fleet
    • Using damage control analysis and learning to influence design and build
    • Introduce common cause analysis and design tools
    • The power of Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling
    • Harnessing innovations on emerging systems
    • The transformation of the RN and maintaining readiness throughout
    • Uncrewed systems: How might we need to adapt going forward
    • Introduction into Semmco
    • Emergency escape breathing device for the maritime environment
    • Smoke filled area and chemically contested environment safe equipment
    • Flooding management and investigations
    • What were the difficulties and solutions with the engine space dewatering methods
    • Lessons learned from the incident and plans going forward
    • Reflection on the step change in automated Fixed Firefighting systems on the Aircraft Carriers
    • Lessons learned and a look at the near term visions for continued use of automation in Fire Safety Systems
    • AE Systems Future Projects – Next Steps
    Hosted by BAE Systems
    • The pros and cons of different gases
    • Providing a user friendly substance while reducing toxicity
    • Future research into alternative halon gases
    • Recent US incidents and how training has been impacted
    • Human factors and the continuous challenge in responding to an incident
    • Revitalisation of training establishments - timelines and budget
    • PFAS restrictions: What is likely to be impacted and by what and when?
    • What are the challenges in replacing AFFF?
    • Organisations looking to support in the replacement of AFFF/FPAS equipment
    • Turning information into insights that drive innovation for tomorrow’s Naval forces
    • The role of technology and maritime trends
    • Optimising fleets for availability through innovative practices
    Hosted by BAE Systems Maritime
    • Where are the opportunities in mutually supporting industrial areas
    • Government drivers forcing the change and how we are adapting to support
    • How we are matching allied requirements to reduce duplication of money and resources
    Hosted by DIEManalytics
    • Equipment used to pump water away from the area
    • Removing water while retaining the ability to fight
    • Collaborating with port based authorities and agencies for littoral incidents
    • How ship design facilitates the removal of unwanted fluid from within a ship
    • Dewatering elements of flood detection and drainage
    • The new baseline of solutions for bilge and salvage systems for Naval ships
    • Sensors and training evaluation
    • Scenario based training for standardisation
    • Innovative systems
    Hosted by METEKSAN
    • Solutions to improve sealing safety of penetrations in newbuild & life extension projects
    • Is the standard cellulose time vs temp curve sufficient? Product developments for hydrocarbon & jet fires
    • Are your bulkheads watertight? Detailed penetration surveys and assurance including flow rates
    • An overview of damage control, fire detection and suppression on board the Israeli navy surface fleet
    • Civilian cooperation: The benefits of training with firefighting units outside of the navy
    • Innovations in DC&FF in the Israeli Navy
    • Historical experiences on Spanish Navy submarines and why the S-80 is such an improvement
    • Next generation submarine damage control systems, including details on the modern IPMS
    • Damage control training and simulators used on the submarines
    • The phasing out of AFFF and the impact this is having on navies
    • What is our nation doing to act on the initiative and how long will it take?
    • Some of the alternatives and other considerations during the change which is taking place worldwide
    • What are MARCOM’s responsibilities through to 2030 and how are they evolving
    • How well developed is the taskforce to operate in a C2D2E environment
    • How MARCOM plans to operate effectively in contested environments
    • Update on the Fleet Solid Support programme
    • Current systems linking civilian experience with military requirements
    • The damage control comparison explained
    • Current priorities within the Hellenic Navy
    • The benefits of having specialised equipment for each intended purpose
    • Detection and suppression experiences of fire and CBRN incidents within the Hellenic Navy
    • The effects of bulkhead insulation on firefighting
    • How the RCN currently operates during an incident
    • Computer simulation: Fire insulation and various different FF tactics adapted to different shipbuilding materials
    • How the planned Frigates are enhancing capacity in the region
    • The challenge of constructing ships in the region
    • Maintaining effective links with industry throughout the process
    • The integration of command and control challenges
    • Merging fire teams together for safety and specialist equipment availability
    • Innovation in firefighting systems and UAS being used in the detection process
    • Policy, governance and current capability
    • Challenges facing SMERAS - the building blocks of “time to first rescue”
    • SMERAS assurance
    • Case Study: What happened on Wight Sky and what was the emergency response?
    • How does the Ro-Ro DC&FF response vary to Naval DC&FF and lessons beneficial for the military
    • Information about Wightlink’s innovation in EV and lithium-ion battery fire prevention