And Vincent
Dan Vincent joined the Royal Navy in 1997 as a Training Manager and had an early a role planning the TNA programme and training solutions for the Aircraft Carriers. After a
deployment in Iraq he was involved with bringing the Maritime Composite Training System warfare simulators into service. His next role was with the Defence Technical Training
Change Programme where he was Estates Requirements Manager, responsible for specifying £350M of new build and restoration of real estate at MOD Lyneham to accommodate the move of the REME training from their training bases at Bordon and Arborfield.
Staff Course and promotion to Cdr were followed by jobs in NCHQ within Future Personnel Capability Planning, and as OC of Human Resources Training Services Group. This was
followed by MWS Cdr Training and OC Victory Sqn which were dominated by the responding to the challenges of the pandemic and the subsequent recovery of training
pipelines. After promotion to Capt he has been Programme Director of DOTC(M) and scoped the replacement of MCTS. In his current role as SRO of SPARTAN Tranche 2 he is
responsible for delivering a shoreside hub, tools and support services that will provide the first element of a significant change in the RN’s Collective Training capability.