Ryan Downing
Commander Downing is a native of Pensacola, Florida. He is a 2001 and 2012 graduate of Norwich University where he received a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership.
Afloat, he served aboard three San Diego based ships. This included USS MOMSE (DDG 92) where he served as the Commanding Officer, USS DECATUR (DDG-73) where he served as the Auxiliaries Division Officer and then Navigator, USS WAYNE E. MEYER (DDG-108) where he served as the Weapons Officer and Combat Systems Officer, and the USS MAKIN ISLAND (LHD-8) where he served as the Navigator.
Ashore, he served at the United States Naval Academy as the Assistant Honor Officer in the Commandant of Midshipmen staff. During his tour in USS MAKIN ISLAND Commander Downing was selected for the Warfare Tactics Instructor program and is a 2018 graduate of the Anti-Submarine/Anti-Surface Warfare Tactics
Instructor course. Following graduation, he served as the ASW/SUW lead and Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training (SWATT) lead planner in the N3 and N7 staff at Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC) Headquarters in San Diego, CA.
Commander Downing’ reported as Director for Firefighting and Damage Control, Surface Warfare Officers School Command, in June 2024.
Commander Downing’s personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (five awards), Navy Achievement Medal, and various unit and campaign awards. Commander Downing is currently serving as Executive Officer, USS MOMSEN (DDG-92)