Robin Ponting
Robin Ponting joined the UKHO as a civilian cartographer in 1980, successfully completing the 6-month Initial Training Course and associated ONC/BTEC surveying and cartography exams with distinction.
Following chart compilation work in Home Waters Chart Branch, Robin was promoted into UKHO’s defence area in 1985 with extensive serials directly supporting navigation and situational awareness data and products for Royal Navy (RN) operations. These included Submarine Charting, Defence Surveying, Precise Navigation (surface and subsurface), Marine Geophysics and Computing, Additional Military Layers, Military Oceanography, and Mine Warfare (MW).
Robin graduated with merit from the RN Intermediate Command and Staff Course (Maritime) in 2010 at the UK Defence Academy, Shrivenham. Elected by his military colleagues to lead his group, they won the prestigious syndicate trophy awarded by the Deane of the Academy and Director of RN Training (Maritime). His Defence Team Leader and SME roles at UKHO were also expanded with additional Defence Security Officer responsibilities during this time.
Robin rejoined UK MWDC in 2013 as Team Leader and SME, managing a small, dedicated team of civilian and military seabed specialists. He successfully oversaw the development and major upgrading of UK MWDC’s primary MW database in 2015, working with MOD Integrated Project Teams, Main Contractors, and RN Lead Customers.
Given the opportunity to concentrate on his SME role in 2019, just as Maritime Autonomous Systems (MAS) started developing at pace, Robin continues to advise and work closely with RN MW Lead Customers and Coalition Specialists to fully identify, enable, and exploit tactical advantage from the latest emerging Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) technology, while also enhancing processes for legacy platforms.
His hobbies include racing 20ft dinghy catamarans, being part of race/rescue management at major sailing events, and scuba diving. Robin is also a qualified musician, and in younger years performed in orchestras and pop bands.
22-May-2024Underwater Defence and Security Theatre BUKHO / UK MWDC exploitation of data collected by MAS