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Jon Arild Brath Strandnæs

Jon Arild Brath Strandnæs

Section Manager, Naval Systems Division, Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency

1985-1990: Royal Norwegian Navy (RNoN) Submarine Service Sonaroperator, Weapons and sensors officer

1990-1994: Bachelor in Automation, Naval Academy officer education

1994-1997: RNoN Oksoey- & Alta-class MCMVs Weapons and sensors officer

1997-2012: RNoN training establishment; Vairous positions from education within underwater weapons-, sensors- and C2I-systems

2012-2016: RNoN- staff: Staff officer HR

2016--- : Norwegian Defence Material Agency: Section head for underwater weapons and sensorsystems and underwater ship signature.

2017--- : Chair for NATO/ NNAG’s Underwater Weapons Capability Group.