Erwin Ruijsink
Erwin Ruijsink served on different Dutch submarines during his career of which he commanded HNLMS Zeeleeuw twice. During his first period of command he did a work-up of the crew followed by a NATO mission in counter-piracy near the Horn of Africa. His second tour as a commanding officer, he executed the first-of-class trials with the first upgraded (‘Submarine lifetime Extension Program’) Walrusclass submarine. Between his tours he was the Head of the Rescue Coordination Centre of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard on Curacao, part of the Dutch Kingdom.
After an XO tour on board an ASW Frigate Ruijsink was promoted to commander before he joined the Maritime Headquarters as the SUBOPAUTH. Next to this operational job he also served the RNLN Submarine Service as the Chief of Staff. In 2022 he was able to join the Advanced Command and Staf Course in Shrivenham, UK which he combined with a Masters at Kings College London.
Currently he is working in the Command Material and IT organization in the Submarine replacement program in which he’s part of the procurement team.