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César Correia

César Correia

Director, NATO Maritime GEOMETOC Centre of Excellence

Name: CÉSAR MANUEL PIRES CORREIA Nationality: Portuguese Date of birth: 14th December 1969 Position: Director Rank: Captain Portuguese Navy (OF-5) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE  1987-1992 – Cadet and Ensign at the Portuguese Naval Academy.  1992-1995 – Crew officer and after Executive officer on board the patrol vessel “Zaire”.  1995 – Executive officer on board the patrol vessel “Limpopo”.  1995-1996 – Commanding Officer of fast patrol vessel “Argos”.  1996-1997 – Commanding Officer of fast patrol vessel “Hidra”.  1998-2000 – Anti-Submarine Warfare officer on board of frigate “Comandante Hermenegildo Capelo”.  2000-2002 – Aide-de-Camp of the Minister of Defence.  2002-2003 – Commanding Officer of patrol vessel “Zambeze”.  2003-2004 – Staff officer in the Navy Flotilha in the Logistics Department.  2004-2006 – Executive officer on board the frigate “Comandante João Belo”.  2006-2009 – Manpower Head of Branch in the Personnel Division of the NATO Joint Command Lisbon.  2010-2012 – Commanding Officer of ocean patrol vessel “Viana do Castelo”.  2012-2016 – Staff officer in the Portuguese Naval Audit Department.  2016 – Planning Division Head at the Joint Military Operations Command.  2016-2019 – Staff Officer in the Supreme Allied Command Transformation HQ - Capability, Engineering and Innovation Division - Transformation Network Branch- Centres of Excellence Section.  2019-2020 – Staff Officer in the Navy Staff, Planning Division.  2020-2022- Resources Management Branch Head of MGEOMETOC COE ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS  1992 – Degree in Naval Military Sciences by the Portuguese Naval Academy.  1993 – Fishing Controller Authority course.  1997-1998 – Anti-Submarine Warfare specialisation.  2004 – Naval Warfare General Course. AWARDS AND DECORATIONS Throughout his career he was awarded with the military medals of Distinguished Services - Silver, 2nd and 3rd class Military Merit, 1st and 2nd class Naval Cross and Exemplary Conduct - Gold.