Björn Lund
Swedish National Seismic Network
Björn Lund is Associate Professor in Seismology at Uppsala University and director of the Swedish National Seismic Network. With an MS in Geophysics from Stanford University, USA, and a PhD in Seismology from Uppsala, Björn had worked on earthquake source mechanics and seismic network operations when joining the Swedish Defence Research Agency in 2000 to modernize the Hagfors seismic array system. A postdoc opportunity at Stanford with work on modelling of large earthquakes caused by melting ice sheets made Björn temporarily leave Sweden, returning again in 2003 to take up a position in seismology at Uppsala University. Since then Björn has worked on a mix of seismic network operations and development, research on earthquakes and seismic hazard in Fennoscandia, volcano seismicity in Iceland and Nordic glacially induced earthquakes. As director of the SNSN since 2018, focus has been on automating robust detection, location and classification of seismic events, increase collaboration with neighbouring countries and develop contacts with authorities and industry.